Webinar Recording

SASB Advanced: Taking the SASB Standards to the next level

SASB Advanced: Taking the SASB Standards to the next level

The Value Reporting Foundation’s SASB Standards are quickly becoming an integral part of decision-making & reporting processes globally for investors and companies. The ESG reporting landscape is growing and developing, and investor attention is gravitating toward the SASB Standards.

View the second of our two-part webinar series about the SASB Standards. Following our SASB Standards 101 webinar, in this session we reviewed the SASB Standards in the context of broader market developments, the pending ISSB Exposure Drafts, and the U.S. SEC and European EFRAG disclosure regulation activities. We also reviewed the resources companies can access to consider how to implement SASB Standards, see what their peers are disclosing, & understand how investors use SASB Standards-aligned information in investment decision-making processes.

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