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Change management & new technology

Change management & new technology
You’re ready to introduce a new software to your organization. The final step, and perhaps the most crucial, is to generate positive buy-in from your teams. But how do you do that? This is a commonly occurring issue because of the fear that team members won’t understand the opportunities and added value that newer, more advanced technology provides. In many cases, existing systems are no longer relevant but someone on the team can’t bear to see their “baby” replaced. Perhaps the people heading up the project feel like they’re going too far out on a limb to bring in something new, that it isn’t worth the risk.
Improvement isn’t always easy. Convincing a diverse set of people, who may have very different opinions on best practices, to try something new can be overwhelming. Here are some of the best ways to unite a team and effect positive growth.
Understand the added value of what you’re proposing
Knowing your goals and fully understanding what’s required of you and other team members helps you to set clear expectations from the start. Be able to concisely explain the benefits and how you plan to mitigate risk.
Establish buy-in from executives
Once you get the wheels turning on a new project, engage your software provider or consultant to help you present “up.” Making sure that those at the top are aware and understand the benefit of the project will help them see past any pushback to implementing change.
Present to the team
Make sure everyone has a full understanding of how this new software will benefit them in their day-to-day. It’s essential to make sure that appropriate training and resources are provided so your team can overcome the learning curve and become comfortably acclimated to the change.
Understand the needs of those you’re convincing
Try to understand what those team members may want or need. If you can demonstrate how you’re going to be able to solve an immediate problem for them, chances are they’ll get on board sooner. Is there an additional benefit down the line? Make sure to highlight it.
Establish champions
Are there a few team members that really get it? Use them to help promote the benefits. This can be as easy as sharing any success via email to the team. Do they have a little extra time? Encourage them to talk to other team members about how they might be able to use the new tool. Positive reinforcement throughout the process will help everyone feel good about the change they’re helping to implement.
Accept that there will be pushback
Many people love comfort and routine. They’re probably very good at their jobs and like to have their processes “just so.” They won’t like that you’re altering that. The best thing to do in this scenario is listen. Try to understand what’s making them uncomfortable. Show that you care but gently help them see the end goal.
Was it a success? Then talk about it! Make sure to share the good results that have come from the new system. If there were hurdles, don’t sweep them under the rug. Address them as they come. Clear communication and visibility always help create progress.
For all of us, new and quickly changing technology is a way of life both in and out of the office. Finding ways to help your team take the challenge head on is crucial to the success of a company in today’s business world.